You Got This: A Therapist’s Journey in Self-Love
Living with mental illness can feel like an uphill battle. There are many inspirational posts that talk about fostering self-love, taking time to participate in self-care, and becoming the grounded well-rounded person that doesn’t let anything phase them. The truth is...

I Am Enough
I found a great quote from the book, The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel: "Yes, but I have something that you'll never have; enough. The idea of having enough might look like conservatism, leaving opportunity and potential on the table. I don't think that's...

Oops, I Did it Again – I Listened to My Heart
I recently completed a journal prompt that asked me to pretend to have a conversation with my inner critic (yes, therapists participate in therapy too). This prompt instructed me to approach my inner critic with curiosity instead of shame and fear and ask what those...

Tuning in During Arguments: How to Resolve Conflict
Arguments occur more frequently than we may like to admit. Who here loves a good argument? Well, for me—not really, especially with loved ones. During arguments, we may think and feel like we are a failure. And, then, we find ourselves defending our actions, our...

This Blog Isn’t About Gardening
My newest fixation is gardening. But this hobby will last, either in practice or theory. Some things I planted, expecting them to bloom immediately. I killed a plant once because I gave it too much water. I rushed the process in search of the perfect...

Spoon Theory: 5 Tips on Helping Someone with a Mental Health Illness or Disability
You may be hearing the phrase “I don’t have the spoons right now” and wondering what that means, especially if you've invited them to a holiday gathering. "Spoon Theory" comes from Christine Miserandi, who lives with Lupus, and centers around a way to explain...

Survival Guide for Family Holidays
If the holidays feel difficult or stressful for you because you find it challenging to be around some or all of your family, that's completely normal. Equip yourself with these family holiday survival tips courtesy of the Stanford University BeWell Program to help...

Disability Etiquette: An Illustrated Guide to Inclusivity
When the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in 1990, the law helped remove or reduce many barriers for people with disabilities. However, while there have been many improvements, discrimination and disrespectful treatment of those with disabilities continues...

A Shift of Weather and Mood: Tips for Seasonal Affect Disorder
Fall is in full effect and for many the signs of a new season are upon us. Fall brings with it the beautiful reminder that change is natural and inevitable. Whether it be change in life circumstances, change in ideas, or change in mood; fall can serve as a physical...

Walking Mindfully: An Exercise in Curiosity
Practicing mindfulness can be a great exercise in increasing our self-awareness while also strengthening our relationship with ourselves. When you hear the term, Mindfulness, you may automatically picture a person sitting on the floor with their eyes closed,...
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