Family Adaptation and Quality of Life for PWD
Many issues are related to the occurrence of disability, but the two I will be discussing are family adaptation and quality of life. These two issues really can go hand in hand for the person with the disability (PWD) as well as their family.
Regarding families, how the family handles the change as well as how the PWD copes with the change, can affect either relationship. Family members can become the caregiver to the person, and the roles can change dramatically. Not only have I witnessed role changes with PWD, but I am also currently experiencing this first hand. I have a hereditary disease called spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA), and as it has progressed, I see the effects this disease has within my relationship with myself, husband, and our children.
The quality of life is also an essential factor to discuss when working with PWD. PWD and their family’s lives can experience significant change. Only the individual that is defining the quality of life can determine the meaning of such (Falvo, 2009). Many factors go into the perception of one’s quality of life, including, age of onset, perceptions, and adaptions of the person with the disability. These issues are essential to address as part of the counseling process due to the impact they will have on the person who is coping with the disability.
Regardless of the change you or loved ones are going through surrounding the area of disability, our dedicated and experienced One Change Group Counselors are here to help you. Contact us at to setup a free initial consultation today.
Falvo, D. (2009). Medical and psychosocial aspects of chronic illness and disability (4th Ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.